summer shorts 2024


HAMLET GOES TO THERAPY by Ian Patrick Williams; directed by Shannon Motherwell Hamlet: Spencer LaBelle, Psychiatrist: David Chivers

THE VA-VA-VOOM by Bethany Dickens Assaf; directed by Cheryl Cox; Jess: Rachel Bolam, Andy: Kimberly Rutter Weld

NEXT STOP by Robert Weibezahl, directed by Mike Carr; Jimmy: Gary Norris, Carol: Sue Jordan

PUT YOUR HANDS ON ME, BRETT by Samara Siskind; directed by Roy Hamlin; Jane: Gabrielle Hockensmith, Brett: Bradley Thornton


THE BOUNDARIES OF ONE’S SELF by Jeff Dunne; directed by Carla Hanson; Myca: Jena Rashid, One: Patrick James, Anna: Gabrielle Hockensmith, Brenda: Kimberly Boyle

DECEPTION by Judy Goldstein; directed by Lara Baker; Dr. Wilson: David Chivers, Larry: Eric Kuritzky

THE DOG’S TWO SCENTS by Peter Dakutis; directed by Iris Lynne Sherman; Cat: Spencer Labelle, Dog: Kimberly Boyle

LADIES OF THE NIGHT by Laurie Allen; directed by Dave Fremland; Mary: Sue Jordan, Judy: Anne Paine West


Laurie Allen is a West Texas playwright, with nine books published for young adults. Her works include Power Plays, Acting Duets for Young Women, and Comedy Scenes for Student Actors. Her timely collection of powerful monologues, Quaran-TEENS, Dramatic Teen Perspectives on the Pandemic, was released by Pioneer Drama Service. Her plays have been produced both in the U.S. and internationally. She is a member of the Dramatists Guild.

Bethany Dickens Assaf is a freelance playwright and the co-founder of Whiskey Theatre Factory in Orlando, Florida. Over 100 of her plays have been performed around the world including The Vast of Darkness, which won the Critics' Choice for "Best Play - Drama" at the Orlando Fringe Festival.

Aaron Babcock is a longtime Board member of PRT, and has teched numerous shows for us. He currently works at Daytona State College, and has previously served on the Board of Thea- tre Downtown.

Lara Baker is thrilled to be working with PRT again, previously appearing as Gillian in PRT's staged reading of Control of the Dirt and acting as stage manager for the full production. She was also in the Ghost Chorus in the workshop of A Halloween Carol. She has done voiceover work for many businesses including AAA, FRLA, and Starwood. In her free time, Lara and her hus- band Tom are avid supporters of local theater and enjoy attending productions throughout Central Florida.

Tom Baker has hosted live trivia weekly since 2011; this is his second show with PRT. He played the silent role of The Worst Bartender Ever in PRT's Control of the Dirt and was also crew for that show. Tom enjoys attending local theater with his wife Lara.

Rachel Bolam is so excited to be working with Playwrights’ Round Table for the first time! Previous credits include being a swing in Allie Kazan and the Magic Mansion (Orlando Fam- ily Stage), Ensemble; u/s Acrobat in Matilda (Theatre South Playhouse). She would like to thank her mom for her never-ending support, as well as Cheryl and Kimberly for the opportunity to work with them on this project.

Kimberly Boyle is thrilled to be working with PRT! Previous roles include Dolly in Mother's Days at Breakthrough Theater and Little Shop of Horrors (Audrey) at The Footlighters Theater in Cincinnati. Kim thanks her daughter Leah for her support, and questions her eldest daughter Emma’s sanity for following in her footsteps. Enjoy the show!

Mike Carr is pleased to be making his directorial debut with PRT. Favorite directing credits include: The 39 Steps (Bay St. Players), 5 Lesbians Eating a Quiche (Orlando Fringe), and Invasion: Christmas Carol (SAK Theatre). Mike can be seen performing at various stages across town and online as a "Ride Guy" for Discover Universal. Mike wants to thank PRT for trusting him with this fantastic play and its excellent cast, and sends all his love to his beautiful wife and baby.

David Chivers is happy to be making his Florida stage debut, marking a return to stage after a five year absence. A native of western Massachusetts, Chivers is a veteran of nearly three dozen plays. Favorite past roles include Oscar in The Odd Couple, El Gallo in The Fantas- ticks, King Charlemagne in Pippin, and Grand- pa in You Can't Take It With You.

Cheryl Cox has been telling stories for as long as she can remember - writing, dancing, acting and flying through the air. After work- ing on several large projects including HHN, large video production shoots, new cruise ship shows, dance competitions and aerial showcas- es, Cheryl is thrilled to be returning as a direc- tor with this production at PRT. Thank you to my wonderful actors and incredible husband for your support!

Peter Dakutis lives in the Atlanta metro area and gets busy with his muse through playwrit- ing. His plays have been performed in numer- ous local productions, around the US, and in England, Ireland, Canada, and Australia. His work has been included in several publications, including two Smith & Kraus Best Ten- Minute Plays anthologies.

Chuck Dent is a playwright, director, actor, President of Playwrights’ Round Table, and general theatrical roustabout. He stays pretty busy with shows all year-round, and by this point has produced more 10-minute plays than anyone else in America.

Jeff Dunne is an award-winning author and playwright in the Greater Baltimore area. He has written more than 175 scripts (most for stage but several for screen and radio as well), over 75% of which have been performed across four continents. His plays have won over a hundred awards and festivals, and seen more than 200 productions.

Dave Fremland has directed in past Sum- mer Shorts including “Monster Talent,” “Flea Bargain” and “The Moon is Full of It.” He has also performed in the Central Florida Festival of New Musicals and is currently appearing in Ragtime.

Judy Goldstein is a poet, playwright and actor. She began writing plays in the summer of 2018 and has written 53 to date. Many have been produced by the Seaside Players Community Theatre, Delray Beach Play- house, Not Your Average Theatre Group, Lake Worth Playhouse, Curtain Call Play- house, and now Playwrights’ Round Table.

Roy Hamlin has been very busy of late, appearing in In the Next Room as well as The Inheritance at Ensemble Company, with Play- wrights’ Round Table in 2023 and early 2024, Orlando Fringe, Curt Tucker Music, Breakthrough, Arts Unlimited Kissimmee, Bay Street, the Villages Studio, Ocala Civic, Ice House, WDPAC, Melon Patch, and the Royal Palm Railway.

Carla Hanson is excited to be back at PRT directing for Summer Shorts! Most recently she co-directed Little Women the Musical and played The Princess Who Kissed the Frog in Disenchanted the Musical, both at Breakthrough Theatre.

Gabrielle Hockensmith is so excited to join PRT for her first roundtable! She pro- vides limited time magic in the Hogwarts Frog Choir at Hogsmeade as an Alto/ puppeteer with Entertainment Central Pro- ductions at Universal Studios. A HUGE Thank you to PRT for allowing her to chal- lenge herself and to friends and family for their endless support!

Patrick James First and foremost would like to thank you for coming to see the show and supporting PRT. Without you there is no show. He is honored to be a part of another PRT production. Patrick would like to thank his husband Hunter, family and friends for their love and support on this wild ride called life.

Sue Jordan has been acting for 55 years. Her favorite roles have been Agnes in Agnes of God, Truvy in Steel Magnolias, Sunny in The Exonerated, Sister Woman in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, and Mrs. Robinson in The Graduate. Last year she won both Best Actress for her role as Mrs. Hubbard in Murder on the Orient Express and Best Comedic performance for her role as Ms. Lynch in Grease at The Ritz in Sanford, FL.

Eric Kuritzky has appeared in several PRT productions, including Summer Shorts and Launch in various plays, including “West Farms” and as Monsignor Carroll in the Or- lando Fringe Festival production of Mercy On The Canvas. Other notable productions in- clude The Mousetrap for GOAT; The Nerd and Stranger On A Train at Ice House; as Fagin in Oliver; Reverend Brown in Inherit the Wind at Theatre Downtown; and Herbie in Gypsy at Osceola.

Spencer LaBelle is a Voice Actor, Poet, and Director. They previously studied im- prov at The Groundlings Theatre LA, and received their BFA in Theatre Studies from LSU.

Shannon Motherwell is back with PRT after directing “A Benevolent Alliance of Mourners” (Native Voices 2022) and “Far From Providence” (Native Voices 2023). She primarily works as a stage manager and teaching artist at Orlando Family Stage.

Gary Norris is a PRT Board member and has been serving as Treasurer for the past six years. “Next Stop” is his 24th PRT production as an actor or director. Kudos to Mike and Sue for their excellent work.

Jena Rashid is a Pakistani, female-identifying playwright who is currently based in Orlando, FL. She graduated from the University of Central Florida with a BA in Theatre Studies and a minor in music in 2021. She has worked as a stage manager, director, playwright, actor and other roles throughout her career. Since she graduated, she has interned at Orlando Shakes and Florida Studio Theatre and currently works with Jobsite Theater as a Producing Associate and with the Orlando Shakes as a National New Play Network affiliated artist. In addition, she still writes plays when she can. Most recently her plays 'The Ultimate Cheeseburger' and 'Therapy' were professionally workshopped and her plays 'The One with the Ghost' and 'Dinner Date' received world premieres.

Iris Lynne Sherman, a proud member of the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) and the Actors Equity Association (AEA), is originally from Pitts- burgh, PA, where she received a Bachelor of Fine Arts with honors from Point Park University. Her musical theater credits include Kinky Boots, A Chorus Line, Satin Suite, and Champagne . Iris has appeared in local theatrical productions as Margaret in If I Had My Way, Lady Red in Through The Eyes Of The Homeless (Orlando Fringe Festival), and Sumner in Men On Boats (Mad Cow Theatre) nominated for Best Featured Actress in Comedy. This is her 3rd time with PRT trying her hand at directing.

Samara Siskind’s plays and monologues have been produced nationally and internationally and featured in various anthologies including Shorter, Faster, Funnier: Comic Plays and Monologues, Great Short Comedies Volumes 1 & 2, Stage- It!7: Thirty Ten-Minute Plays, The Best Ten-Minute Plays of 2023, The Best Women's Monologues of 2024, The Best Men's Monologues of 2024, and The Best Ten-Minute Plays of 2024 to be released by Smith & Kraus this December.

Bradley Thornton is a director and actor based in Orlando, FL. He is a graduate of the University of Central Florida and his focus lies in the development of new works. Recent cred- its include Shifted (Alex), The Haunted Road Drive-Thru Experience (Director), The Under- ground Game (Director), and Of Hawks and Sparrows (Director). He would like to thank his family and friends for their endless support.

Robert Weibezahl is delighted to be making his Florida playwriting debut at PRT with “Next Stop.” His plays have been performed live and virtually across the country and in Australia. Honors include First Place in the 8x10: The Eileen Moushey TheatreFest and finalist at Dayton Playhouse’s FutureFest. “Gown” is included in The Best 10-Minute Plays 2023, and his monologues appear in The Covid Monologues, PlayGround Experiment’s 5th Annual Faces of America, and The Best Women’s Stage Monologues 2024.

Kimberly Rutter Weld is an Award winning Central FL theatre actress of 25 years making her 2nd appearance with PRT. Thank you Cheryl for your skilled direction, acting partner Rachel for making me step up my game, and playwright Bethany for creating these fun characters we get to bring to life. All my love, all the time; to Devon, Emma, and Sofie who are my purpose for everything

Anne Paine West is a newly-arrived Florida resident who is delighted to be working with Playwrights’ Round Table. Favorite past roles include Margie in The Best Worst That Can Happen, Norma in Plaza Suite, Marian in Postmor- tem, Mae in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Mona in Come Back to the Five and Dime Jimmy Dean, June Handly in The David Dance, Reba in Gore Vidal’s Visit to a Small Planet, Beulah Levy in The Last Night of Ballyhoo, Mrs. Bassett in Eccentricities of a Nightingale and Ruth in The Art of Self-Defense.

Ian Patrick Williams is co-authored the hit play Bleacher Bums and later shared the Chicago Emmy award for adapting it for PBS. Since moving to Los Angeles, he’s had his one act “Provenance” produced at L.A.’s Ensemble Studio Theater. His short play “Normal Shnormal” won the first place Gold Quill award at the 2017 Tehachapi One Act Festival. His latest play “Slave Trade” was recently filmed as part of a fund-raising event for Thea- ter Resources Unlimited in New York City.




RUN CREW The Fabulous Baker Family (Tom and Lara)


The PRT Board of Directors, the PRT Reading Committee, all at the Imagine Performing Arts Center, everyone who donated rehearsal space and set pieces and props , Elyse Jardine and all at United Arts of Central Florida, the Jaeke Foundation, the Kitty Beautiful, Ed Anthony, the Brownell Family, Roger Collins, William Newkirk, Anthony Marando, and YOU, our audience.


This project is funded in part by United Arts of Central Florida, home of and,

and by Orange County Government through the Arts & Cultural Affairs Program.

Venue funded in part by the City of Orlando.

PRT is proud to partner with these organizations.

This production is ©2024 by Playwrights’ Round Table.

Each play is the intellectual property of its playwright.

The opinions expressed in these plays are solely those of the playwrights.

Playwrights’ Round Table is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization. We welcome your artistic and tax-deductible financial support.